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Pier and Beam - Envelope - Error

asked 2023-02-26 19:05:09 -0600

danielsalinas96's avatar

updated 2023-02-27 08:51:40 -0600

Received the following error code when attempting to model a manufactured home with a Pier-and-Beam foundation. See model here

2/26/2023 7:00 PM:  6.xml:  Error: Expected ExteriorAdjacentTo to be 'ground' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'garage' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
2/26/2023 7:00 PM:  6.xml:  Error: Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'garage'
2/26/2023 7:00 PM:  6.xml:  Error: Expected ExteriorAdjacentTo to be 'ground' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'garage' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
2/26/2023 7:00 PM:  6.xml:  Error: Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'garage'
2/26/2023 7:00 PM:  6.xml:  Error: Expected ExteriorAdjacentTo to be 'ground' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'garage' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
2/26/2023 7:00 PM:  6.xml:  Error: Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - conditioned' or 'garage'


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1 Answer

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answered 2023-02-27 11:03:20 -0600

I can confirm there is a bug in the BEopt v3 beta release for pier & beam foundations. We have a pending bugfix for this issue; can you see if this bugfix version fixes it? You can install over your current BEopt, no need to uninstall first.

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That seemed to work! Thanks for the quick response and resolution. I'll continue with my testing now.

danielsalinas96's avatar danielsalinas96  ( 2023-02-27 15:52:58 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2023-02-26 19:05:09 -0600

Seen: 79 times

Last updated: Feb 27 '23