GUI Functions and "Help"
Can we modify the GUI slightly for BEOpt v3 to include a few features from v2.8? I imagine that these are inconsequently to the core energy analysis and relationship to the newer EnergyPlus, so I hope these are easier to include.
- Reinstate the minimization feature for the building energy model so that the application can utilize less screen space when operating on a single laptop screen.
- Reintroduce the description views for the Miscellaneous loads. These are not viewable in v3, except for Plug Loads.
- Reintroduce columns that show the base energy value for the miscellaneous load for scaling (kWh/yr). Without knowing the base amount, its very difficult to isolate this miscellaneous load's contribution and modify. See top of previous image.
- Introduce a miscellaneous load for EVs. I often use a pool/hot tub/well pump that doesn't exist at a home as my option to introduce EV consumption over a year, but it's hard to do so without the number to scale (mentioned above). I'd rather use something dedicated and more likely to match charging times or energy draws than simply an annualized number.
Thanks for the feedback. Some of these are much harder to address than others. One simple thing we can do is, for plug loads, adding an "Adder" or "Offset" input in addition to the "Multiplier" input so that you can, e.g., adjust the kWh/yr to account for an EV.