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DesignBuilder and Results Viewer

asked 2023-01-17 05:37:06 -0500

updated 2023-05-10 10:39:45 -0500

Hello everyone,

I try to open my DB simulations for detailed analysis in Results Viewer, but I receive this problem when I want to view .dsb results in Simulation Manager:

"DesignBuilder Results Viewer is not set as a default application for Energy+ files"

I tried to find the resolution in DB settings, but I could not find that parameter.

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answered 2023-04-12 08:33:09 -0500

Tokarzewski's avatar

updated 2023-04-12 10:59:40 -0500


.dsb is the model file format which can be opened only in the DesignBuilder application.

.eso, .epw, .htm, .drs and .drb are the results file format which can be opened in the Results Viewer application.

I understand that you want to open some result files from Simulation Manager by opening Results Viewer.

We are using the default Windows operating system settings. So this has to be set at the Windows settings level and not at the DesignBuilder settings level.

This can be fixed by assigning the default application for these file formats. Save files (.eso, .drs etc.) somewhere on your desktop. Use mouse to right-click the file and select the open-with option and choose the Results Viewer as the default application. Repeat this process for other file formats. After making these changes, please restart the DesignBuilder application and try selecting the same button in Simulation Manager. Now the Results Viewer should open the results.

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Asked: 2023-01-17 05:37:06 -0500

Seen: 619 times

Last updated: Apr 12 '23