How are ASHRAE design mean coincident variables calculated?
I’m having some trouble finding documentation on how this is done. I’ve gone through the HoF but I couldn’t find much on specific methods.
For example what I’m trying to get at: let’s say that the 0.4% condition temperature somewhere is 90F. In the ordered distribution of temperatures there are sure to be more than one hour in the measurement period that is 90, so which coincident WB, for example, is chosen? I assume it must be the max, or an average or something.
I see this from HOF chapter 14:
Seems like it's just the mean of all the coincident values?
Thanks I had missed that paragraph. It still doesn't really explains what it's doing though. I guess from the word 'mean' in MCWB for example, we can infer that they are just averaging all the coincident values, but all that jargon about double binning into joint frequency matrices isn't super helpful (and I don't think even neccesary if they are just taking a simple average).