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BEopt v3 Beta Feedback - ERI deprecation

asked 2022-12-16 10:44:36 -0600

jpierce's avatar

updated 2022-12-23 16:18:09 -0600

Bravo on the beta!

This was intended as a a thread to to collect comments about the beta release of BEopt version 3 all in one place to make the forum easier to browse, and allow folks to review suggestions from others. However, the platform only allows one answer each, so this one is about the removal of ERIs. See below.

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answered 2022-12-18 04:33:05 -0600

rgleason's avatar

updated 2022-12-18 04:34:51 -0600

Actually BEopt's ERI is a a perfectly reasonable feature to have available. As an Architect I used REM/rate in the early days when it was free, this very useful tool was taken away from me because I could not justify purchase and training for my business. I've migrated to my own spreadsheets and calcs, HVAC-calc and BEopt which I have found to be very useful.

However I have no real sense of how well a building I am modeling is going to perform on the ERI scales.

It is my opinion that the REM/raters HERS industry/business is adequately protected by the hierarchical structure, training requirements, cost for the program, and more importantly the incentives and laws requiring certification.

Any numbers that BEopt would provide could be labeled "draft, not certified", which would protect those providing the certificates. This would allow BEopt to provide some estimated measure of performance that relates to a real standard, and provides a learning/training platform for Architects and others, also a rough check before building, etc.

Furthermore having BEopt provide these numbers only reinforces the standard and promulgates it.

I couldn't disagree more with this decision and hope that it will be changed. The REMrate and HERS industry has adequate protection through the required "certificates" and does not need this kind of reactive protection. When the time comes and the building is actually built, or remodeled, it will require REMrate or HERS services due to the building code energy standards in order to get the necessary certificates.

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I agree, having the ERI can be instrumental in facilitating it's official use & implementation (through code compliant procedures). Hopefully we'll see it again.

Question. Was there any "formal" notice on why it was taken out?

agamas's avatar agamas  ( 2023-04-27 20:30:53 -0600 )edit

answered 2022-12-16 10:48:32 -0600

jpierce's avatar

updated 2022-12-16 11:55:25 -0600

PLEASE bring back ERI. ERI is very important as a means of gauging whether a package is code compliant, since one can compare the rating to the ERI path requirements for one's region.

I understand it's a bit of a moving target, but we only need ERI, not full HERS scores. Even if not making the minor updates for more recent IECC, keeping the old version would still be helpful since they typically don't vary that much. Simply indicate which version is being generated. For example, (depending on the version) REM/Rate provides 2015, 2018 and 2021 ERI as well as HERS.

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Deprecating the ERI calculation in BEopt v3 was not made lightly. At the end of the day, BEopt is most successful when it provides research capabilities and emerging technologies not already addressed by the private sector. The HERS industry is a source of significant revenue for multiple private-sector companies, and we do not want BEopt to be viewed as competitor to those software tools, even if just in appearance. We hope that you can appreciate our decision and enjoy the new capabilities that BEopt v3 does include.

shorowit's avatar shorowit  ( 2022-12-16 13:08:30 -0600 )edit

This is really a bummer. First of all, there is lost labor (for me) because I took a lot of time to get to know BEOpt, learn how to use it, learn how to integrate into my design process. Many projects don't have the design budget for early-stage energy modeling AND a mechanical consultant. The ability to output the ERI data was a way to justify energy modeling within a standard design contract. I feel like the sliver of people who would be cut off of the commercial market by using BEOpt must be quite small.

et's avatar et  ( 2023-10-30 12:53:01 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2022-12-16 10:44:36 -0600

Seen: 335 times

Last updated: Apr 27 '23