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Fan Power Inputs in OpenStudio

asked 10 years ago

anonymous user


updated 10 years ago

Hey all. Is there a way to input fan BHP, kW, or kW/CFM in OpenStudio/energyplus? When trying to update a Packaged Rooftop VAV supply fan through OpenStudio the only fields i'm seeing are Fan Efficiency, Pressure Rise, and Motor Efficiency.

With Appendix G requiring us to calculate the total fan system kW it seems strange that OS/E+ wouldn't have an input to accept this value. Am I missing something?

Thanks, JO

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5 Answers

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answered 10 years ago

updated 10 years ago

No, EnergyPlus doesn't use these as inputs, instead it calculates W and W/cfm from the fan efficiency, design air flow rate, and pressure rise (see Fan section of eplustbl CSV or HTM file for fan power outputs). Because of this it requires some reverse engineering to predict what the fan power output will be from EnergyPlus.

For an Appendix G Baseline system I use USGBC's "Revised Section 1 4 Tables" XLS along with some fundamental power equations to solve for the required pressure rise to exactly match the allowed fan power. For an Appendix G Proposed system I use the data from the HVAC designer's schedule to calculate the fan power and then solve for the pressure rise. If fan BHP is given you can calculate the fan efficiency and if it's not I use the default from OpenStudio to calculate the pressure rise. This method for the proposed fan power will not predict the fan power exactly like the baseline method will, but it's close.

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answered 10 years ago

updated 2 years ago

IDL-Boise has created this spreadsheet tool that will calculate fan power given a few input parameters. It will aid you in determining Appendix G requirements and E+ inputs.

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Looks like a great resource, thanks @Lincoln.

MatthewSteen's avatar MatthewSteen  ( 10 years ago )

Thanks for sharing this tool. Looks like just what I need. JO

anonymous userAnonymous ( 10 years ago )

Please reload the spread sheet . It doesn't work now.

Lee Gyoung's avatar Lee Gyoung  ( 3 years ago )

Here is an updated link to the spread sheet on our website:

DA_IDL's avatar DA_IDL  ( 2 years ago )

answered 10 years ago

You are not missing something. The fan BHP has to be done as an external calculation. PNL has documented their assumptions in the technical support documents which support the ASHRAE design guides. Refer to section 4.3.7 in the linked pdf.

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answered 2 years ago

Seven years later we have the FanSystemModel and if you specify the designPowerSizingMethodto PowerPerFlowyou can specify fan power in terms of W/cfm.

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answered 10 years ago

Entering the pressure rise through the fan, airflow and fan/motor efficiency will calculate the fan kW for you. I doubt that's the answer you are looking for, though.

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Asked: 10 years ago

Seen: 2,244 times

Last updated: Apr 21 '22