override node temperature seems doesn't work

asked 2022-11-10 02:04:45 -0500

Elainedudu's avatar

updated 2022-11-10 07:46:48 -0500

Hi, when I use python api to add some control logic to override the SetpointManager, I find some questions:

In my own experiments I set a sensor which is "outdoor dewpoint temperature", at the same time, I set the acturator which is "CW SUPPLY OUTLET NODE", when I use EMS Calling point: AfterPredictorAfterHVACManagers, node appears to be successfully updated, but I found the "SPACE1-1 COOLING COIL CHW INLET" is that specified by the SetpointManager. It looks like the input from this point isn't feeding back into the system, is it right?

Thanks for your help,


Variable: "Site Outdoor Air Dewpoint Temperature", "Environment" Actuator: actuator_key: 'CW SUPPLY OUTLET NODE", component_type: "System Node Setpoint", control_type: 'Temperature Setpoint" EMS Calling point: AfterPredictorAfterHVACManagers

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