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Modelling air handling unit (AHU) without coils for mechanical ventilation only

asked 2015-06-08 10:31:33 -0500

Waseem's avatar

updated 2015-07-11 13:09:02 -0500

What is the best way to model air handling unit (AHU) without heating and cooling elements in EnergyPlus, meaning it is only used for mechanical ventilation purposes. OR we have to use DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir object? If we use this then how this will be calibrated with the actual data, once the model is ready?

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answered 2015-06-09 08:39:38 -0500

Do you just need to model the fan energy use or do you have a heat exchanger as well?

If you just need to model a fan then the ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate object will do the job, it brings in fresh air to the space and calculates the energy used by the fan.

If you need a heat exchanger or are feeding multiple zones with one fan and only want to model that one fan, you could set up a standard AHU and switch the coils you use to off. It might even work with no coils at all.


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@Annie Marston: Thanks for your suggestions, the AHU is closely related to your second case i.e. one fan serving multiple zones. I have started implementing your second options with heating and cooling elements' schedules set to 0. :) One more question regarding this, What if one the zones has only extraction grill (e.g. cleaner's room) rather than having both extraction and supply grills. How can I model this case? Here is the Link of the schematic diagram. Thanks again.

Waseem's avatar Waseem  ( 2015-06-09 09:44:52 -0500 )edit

You can use the ZoneMixing object to transfer air from a 'source' zone to a 'receiving' zone. There are a few posts on this forum regarding ZoneMixing and ZoneCrossMixing that should get you started in the right direction.

Lyle K's avatar Lyle K  ( 2015-06-09 10:53:28 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2015-06-08 10:31:33 -0500

Seen: 404 times

Last updated: Jun 09 '15