How to convert 7.2 to 9.6 in EnergyPlus?

asked 2022-11-01 07:59:05 -0500

Seong's avatar

updated 2022-11-01 09:06:40 -0500

How to convert 7.2 to 9.6 in EnergyPlus? I'm trying to convert 7.2 verision to 9.6 version in EnergyPlus. I tried Transition Version in Files in EenrgyPlus. However, when Transition Version was done, A lot of errors are occured. Is there any solution to clearly complete version convertation to 7.2 to 9.6 without errors?

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@Seong do the links in this post answer your question? You may need to manually transition a few versions instead of automatically transition through all versions.

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2022-11-01 09:10:00 -0500 )edit