EnergyPlus Terminated with a Fatal Error

asked 2 years ago

updated 2 years ago

Hello !

We are a group of building eng. here in Quebec. For our end of program project, we need to do a simulation of our project. It consist of a complex of solar passive greenhouse.

Since our geometry is relatively complex, we exported a GBXML file from a simple revit version. Maybe this is the cause of the issues but i'm not sure of it since OS was able to run it multiple times before crashing while giving us always the same error code. I hope it's a simple fix, we need it for our project ASAP. I appreciate all the help we could get.

Here's my complete OSM file with the gbxml content.

Thank you a lot,

Have a great day !

Here's the error code :

Initializing Simulation
Program terminated: EnergyPlus Terminated--Error(s) Detected.
[13:28:40.543600 DEBUG] Path for the OSW: C:/Users/RqphPC/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1665508959-1\resources\workflow.osw
[13:28:40.611026 DEBUG] Initializing run method
[13:28:40.657254 DEBUG] Beginning run
[13:28:51.241909 WARN] Reporting Measure at C:/Users/RqphPC/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1665508959-1/resources/measures/OpenStudioResults/measure.rb is using the old format where the 'arguments' method does not take model. Please consider updating this to `def arguments(model)`.
[13:28:53.849740 WARN] EnergyPlus returned a non-zero exit code. Check the stdout-energyplus log.
[13:28:53.850631 ERROR] :/ruby/2.7.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.3.1/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/energyplus.rb failed with EnergyPlus Terminated with a Fatal Error. Check eplusout.err log.
:/ruby/2.7.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.3.1/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/energyplus.rb:223:in `call_energyplus'
:/ruby/2.7.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.3.1/lib/openstudio/workflow/jobs/run_energyplus.rb:63:in `perform'
:/ruby/2.7.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.3.1/lib/openstudio/workflow/run.rb:291:in `step'
:/ruby/2.7.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.3.1/lib/openstudio/workflow/run.rb:233:in `run'
:/openstudio_cli.rb:1173:in `execute'
:/openstudio_cli.rb:803:in `execute'
:/openstudio_cli.rb:1972:in `<main>'
eval:188:in `eval'
eval:188:in `require_embedded_absolute'
eval:173:in `block in require_embedded'
eval:167:in `each'
eval:167:in `require_embedded'
eval:126:in `require'
eval:3:in `<main>'

[13:28:53.854804 ERROR] Found error in state 'simulation' with message [":/ruby/2.7.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.3.1/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/energyplus.rb failed with EnergyPlus Terminated with a Fatal Error. Check eplusout.err log.
:/ruby/2.7.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.3.1/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/energyplus.rb:223:in `call_energyplus'
:/ruby/2.7.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.3.1/lib/openstudio/workflow/jobs/run_energyplus.rb:63:in `perform'
:/ruby/2.7.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.3.1/lib/openstudio/workflow/run.rb:291:in `step'
:/ruby/2.7.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.3.1/lib/openstudio/workflow/run.rb:233:in `run'
:/openstudio_cli.rb:1173:in `execute'
:/openstudio_cli.rb:803:in `execute'
:/openstudio_cli.rb:1972:in `<main>'
eval:188:in `eval'
eval:188:in `require_embedded_absolute'
eval:173:in ...
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@Raph_B_Qc it looks like you were not able to attach your OSM file. You can upload the OSM file to Dropbox, Google Drive, or something similar and then edit your post to share the URL where others can access the file.

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2 years ago )

What does your eplusout.err file say?

egillmor's avatar egillmor  ( 2 years ago )