How do I fix CBECC-Com error code 9?
An example of the error I get is as follows:
2015-May-28 08:01:54 - Error: Undefined data: right side of '*' evaluating rule: Set DEFAULT ThrmlZn:CondFlrAreaWithMult (55:'ThermalZone-General.rule' line 744)
I was able to find ThermalZone-General.rule and figured out that the right side of "*" is the variable u. See below for example:
Originally, I included HVACZnCnt values of either 2 or 3 for 17 of the thermal zones and the corresponding ZnSysCnt for the associated zone systems. So once I got this error, I set the HVACZnCnt and ZnSysCnt values to default and increased the system parameters to the appropriate values to represent all of the zone systems within the thermal zone. However, I still get the same error.
UPDATE: After trying to figure this out it seems that there might be an issue associated with more than one space being assigned to a thermal zone. Does anyone know if each thermal zone is only allowed to have one space associated with it?
When I created a copy of the model with just one floor, I no longer get these errors and am still able to have more than one space assigned to a thermal zone. Still not sure what is causing the problem in the version of the file with all of the floors.
@anchapin, can you confirm what CBECC-Com version you are using?
Also, I will need a copy of you model. Please attach here or on the GC issue you posted a comment to. Thanks
I'm using version 2013-3b (717) and I attached the files on the GC issue. Is there a way to attach files here?
I thought there was a way to attach files, but it appears you can only embed links. Ive got the file and will post a response shortly to both locations.