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Missing NREL TMY3 Weather Data Files

asked 2 years ago

Nathan Oliver's avatar

I have been using the NREL TMY3 weather files for a project, and I noticed that some counties are missing weather files. See the link below to access the weather files.

In one of the notes from the creators of the dataset, they mentioned that three counties in Texas (Nolan, Fisher, Stonewall) are missing weather files. Below is a list of counties with their corresponding FIPS that also appear to be missing weather files.

  • 02100 - Haines
  • 02105 - Hoonah-Angoon
  • 02158 - Kusilvak
  • 02195 - Petersburg
  • 02198 - Prince of Wales-Hyder
  • 02230 - Skagway
  • 02275 - Wrangell
  • 02282 - Yakutat
  • 02290 - Yukon-Koyukuk
  • 48263 - Kent

I have searched the web for an updated version of the dataset, but I cannot find one. I could just use weather files from adjacent counties, which would be an easy fix for the Texas counties that are missing files, but it might not be as easy for some of the boroughs in Alaska due to their sheer size, such as Yukon-Koyukuk.

Does anyone know if there is a dataset with all of the weather files, or does anyone have any suggestions as to which weather files I could use for counties/boroughs missing their weather files?

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answered 2 years ago

afontani's avatar

Hey, Nathan. Thank you for reporting this issue. I can confirm that the Alaska Buroughs/Census Areas are missing from the TMY3 set. Another known missing county is "HI, Kalawao County" FIPS 15005. It is likely that the AK and HI counties will be added sometime in the next year to the submission.

As for Kent County, TX I was a bit surprised but also see the files are missing. We do have these files, and if you could reach out to me directly at I can send you these missing files.

We will be working to get these missing files updated in the submission.

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Asked: 2 years ago

Seen: 813 times

Last updated: Aug 08 '22