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Latest releases of softwares

asked 2 years ago

It's been a while since I used OS and E+ and I'm a little at lost with the latest versions of softwares. I understand there have been 2 releases for OpenStudio: One for the SDK by the NREL and one for the application by the Coalition.

If I understood correctly, OS 2.9 is the last release thats works with Sketchup Make 2017. The more recent versions work with different versions of Sketchup Pro. With a 2022 Sketuchup Pro licence I could use the O.S. Application 1.4 , O.S. SDK 3.4 and E+ 22.1

I don't use Euclid a lot, but I understand it could work with SketchupMake 2017 and EnergyPlus up to 9.5.

I just want to clarify, we went from E+ 9.6 to 22? As in a change of nomenclature for the year 2022? Or is it two branches of releases? Because I saw some pre-release of newer 9.6 on Github.

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You can follow the discussion on the change in version numbering here. So yes, future EnergyPlus versions will follow the YY.V.P approach, i.e. 22.1.0 (not 9.7).

Denis Bourgeois's avatar Denis Bourgeois  ( 2 years ago )

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answered 2 years ago

I'm re-writting here the comment of Denis and adding some interesting precisions by Tyryno so I can mark this question as correctly answered.

Short answer, yes, the newer version of E+ will follow the YY.V.P approach.

Also, the latest release version by the Coalition includes a native geometry option which could help forego the dependency to Sketchup, and let use the latest versions of E+ and OS.

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answered 2 years ago

tyryno's avatar

Perhaps you realize, but latest release version by the Coalition includes a native geometry option, so if you intend to use purely for energy modeling / energy analysis from scratch, you can forego dependency on Sketchup altogether. Depending on how you plan to use OpenStudio this could be welcomed news.

I was reluctant to give it a try initially, but the geometry tool is easy to learn; additionally, you gain use of the most recent OS/E+ updates, and it seems less buggy than the earlier Sketchup compatible versions when it comes to geometry integration overall.

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I did not realise that. Thanks for the heads up. Will give it a try!

Frederic Leveille's avatar Frederic Leveille  ( 2 years ago )

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Asked: 2 years ago

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Last updated: Aug 10 '22