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Is there a tool to visualize eplusout.csv - e+ timeseries data?

asked 2022-07-08 14:22:55 -0600

kpp's avatar

updated 2023-03-20 11:51:33 -0600

The results in eplusout.csv are helpful in understanding if and how the changes in schedules or controls are affecting the plant performance and check the results at each time-step. I have been using following options to visualize the data from eplusout.csv

  1. Excel plots - This is good for quick checks but not an ideal as the number of data points and plots in the workbook go up
  2. Plotly/seaborn in Jupyter - This needs some scripting but good for pan, zoom in to the time-series data. image description

I was curious if there is any other better ways to achieve the same? E.g. drop multiple eplusout.csv for comparison in a tools and select variable to plot; pan, zoom in each plot etc.

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@kpp does this post answer your question? If you want to compare outputs from multiple runs, I would recommend DesignBuilder's Results Viewer and timestep.

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2022-07-08 16:24:17 -0600 )edit

@Aaron Boranian it does! Just tested Timestep. It looks like easy to use tool. Thanks!

kpp's avatar kpp  ( 2022-07-13 13:51:00 -0600 )edit

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answered 2022-07-11 02:30:41 -0600

antoineg's avatar

updated 2022-07-11 02:31:20 -0600

Check out Grafener, based on Grafana, intuitive and powerful time-series visualization tool. It fulfills all the use cases you mentioned (multi experiments comparison, pan/zoom, etc.). See also my original answer.

Disclaimer: I'm the author of this tool ;)

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The Grafener dashboard looks good! I will definitely test it out. Currently my organization laptop supports windows so may have to explore a bit on how to install/run the dependencies on Windows (or I will install VirtualBox and go that way).

kpp's avatar kpp  ( 2022-07-13 13:28:47 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2022-07-08 14:22:55 -0600

Seen: 265 times

Last updated: Jul 13 '22