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Design considerations for a multifamily building (LEED Gold)

asked 2022-06-22 14:54:08 -0600

DavidR's avatar

updated 2022-06-22 18:13:57 -0600

I am modeling a multifamily building to LEED Gold.

Some of the design considerations I am taking into account to improve energy efficiency are:

  • High efficiency lighting
  • Increasing insulation in walls and roofs
  • High efficiency windows
  • Lowering window t wall ratio
  • Occupancy sensors/daylighting in common areas
  • High efficiency mechanical equipment (VRF)
  • Solar shading

We are in the beginning stages of design.

Are these reasonable considerations? Is there anything else I should take into consideration?

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answered 2022-06-23 17:22:04 -0600

All the consideration that you are listing are valid, however, it is more important to analyze the project with the weather, orientation, budget, etc. Energy modeling can give you the best strategies in terms of energy saving but you there is no project with infinite budget, so my advice is to do an energy study and see where you have to put your money in order to generate the maximum benefit. For example, if you project is in a cold weather there is not point to invest in a high efficiency and expensive cooling system. A well designed façade could help to reduce thermal loads and increase daylight so you better invest in a lighting control. I don’t know if I answer your question but for me before putting money and in system and energy strategies I prefer to understand where the energy is going and how much.

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Thanks, this helps. I don't have much of a say in the location or orientation of the building. I understand I am not going to be able to include all of these as you have said there is no infinite budget. I wanted to make sure I was addressing what I could without changing the orientation.

DavidR's avatar DavidR  ( 2022-06-24 07:12:43 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2022-06-22 14:54:08 -0600

Seen: 145 times

Last updated: Jun 23 '22