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Disk use in openstudio server

asked 2022-06-14 04:22:11 -0500

updated 2022-06-14 08:30:07 -0500

We have started an openstudio server (v3.4) on a 16 cores Ubuntu 18.04 system. Everything seems to be working fine but we are running out of disk space after a few days. "/var/lib/docker/" folder seems to always grow after every analysis and it does not reduce its size after deleting the analysis.

My questions:

  • Is it a configuration problem?
  • What is the best way to empty /var/lib/docker? Actually we are deleting the folder and reinstalling every thing.

Thanks in advance.

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2 Answers

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answered 2022-06-14 10:42:22 -0500

this is a local deployment on your own hardware?
for the deployment issues: check for dangling volumes, instances and containers and docker prune them. that will free up unused docker resources.

for the runtime issues, there is a measure that will delete files in the /run directory of the datapoints. its good practice to delete everything you dont need so the .zip files only contain the info you really need. that lives here

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Thanks for your answer. It is a local deployment. We have tried stopping all the containers and prune every thing but we got 0 bytes reclaimed. The only thing that it is working for us is deleting every and and running again the containers, but doing so, we lost every simulation (we would like just to free the hdd space of deleted simulations).

mapascual's avatar mapascual  ( 2022-06-17 04:29:09 -0500 )edit

answered 2022-06-17 08:43:42 -0500

tijcolem's avatar

adding to what BrianLBall said.

I believe docker prune will only remove data for containers that do not have a reference. So a 0 byte reclaim tells me the containers are stopped but not removed. You may want to check to see all stopped container (docker ps -a) and remove them to start fresh. Removing data within a docker volume (osdata and dbdata) should remove the contents just like if it were on local disk.

Also, /var/lib/docker is the general directory where most docker things are stored. For my use case dunning docker, I've created a separate data volume and mount just for this directory as these can grow quite large. You can also change the path in docker config as well to point to a different path.

We also have a k8s/helm config that can be deployed to the cloud ( that use elastic volumes for db and analysis storage. The disk sizes can be configured and expanded. Running k8s locally though will have the same challenges as docker-compose.

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Asked: 2022-06-14 04:22:11 -0500

Seen: 276 times

Last updated: Jun 17 '22