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WaterHeater:Mixed as a hot water storage

asked 2022-06-06 05:19:52 -0600

DPalma's avatar

updated 2022-06-06 12:30:03 -0600

I have a system that produces hot water with a heat pump. Now I want to add a hot water tank to soften the peaks in demand.

I'm using: WaterHeater:Mixed with 0W but I don't understand the difference between "Use side inlet node name" and "Source side inlet node name".

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2 Answers

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answered 2022-06-06 08:38:27 -0600

Source and Use side nodes are meant to represent the water heater used as a source (provides hot water to a component) or where there is heat exchange between the tank and another fluid (a use of the tank as a sink/source). In reality there is no real difference since each of these nodes adds or extracts heat to/from the tank in the same way mathematically.

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@rraustad see "answer" below. I guess comments are limited character count.

Ski90Moo's avatar Ski90Moo  ( 2024-12-05 06:09:21 -0600 )edit

answered 2024-12-05 06:11:48 -0600

@rraustad There appears to be a difference. I modeled a stratified air source water heater in OpenStudio. Both source (the heat pump) and use (Plant Water Loop) were connected to the same two nodes (Use Side Inlet and Outlet Nodes). This left the Source Side nodes unused with the result:

   ** Severe  ** InitWaterThermalTank: Detected problem for stratified tank model.  Model cannot be applied.
   **   ~~~   ** Occurs for stratified tank name = HPWH TANK
   **   ~~~   ** Tank volume = 0.1893 [m3]
   **   ~~~   ** Tank use side volume flow rate = 4.7685E-003 [m3/s]
   **   ~~~   ** Tank source side volume flow rate = -99999.0000 [m3/s]
   **   ~~~   ** Nominal tank change over rate = 39.70 [s]
   **   ~~~   ** Change over rate is too fast, increase tank volume, decrease connection flow rates or use mixed tank model
   **  Fatal  ** InitWaterThermalTank: Simulation halted because of sizing problem in stratified tank model.
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Nevermind. Since the source side had no connections, it was obviously 0 flow rate. I don't think it had anything to do with the error. My tank volume was too small.

Ski90Moo's avatar Ski90Moo  ( 2024-12-05 16:22:16 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2022-06-06 05:19:52 -0600

Seen: 265 times

Last updated: Dec 05 '24