Output for Coil:Heating:Water consumption/rate
Hi all,
I'm looking for the right output to see the hourly heating rate in a Heating coil Coil:Heating:Water
which is connected to a boiler plant. Is there any output showing what is going on at this specific component?
The boiler plant is also feeding around 50 radiators Coil:Heating:Water:Baseboard
and 10 Celing panels Heating:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow
, and I need to know which of all the components is generating the gas consumption on the boilers.
The output Heating Coil Total Heating Energy
only seems to output the consumption of Electric Coils, but skips these Water based elements.
Thanks, Rafael
EDIT: The mtd file shows the heating coils/radiators related to each meter:
Meters for 16509,HW BASEBOARD 4:Baseboard Total Heating Energy [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:HVAC [J]
OnMeter=Baseboard:EnergyTransfer [J]
Is there a way to assign a new meter to each Baseboard and Water coil object? I don't see it in the water coil inputs