results collection Error: The directory name is invalid
I am using jEPlus for the optimization of PV panels. I have defined 100 parameters, and I have used RVIs to generate the hourly DemandGeneration.csv file inside of each job folder for post-processing defined using scripts.
However, it seems that the simulation crashed due to a large number of parameters--->long job folder name--->exceed character limitation defined by windows which is around 260---->cannot generate job folder--->error:directory name is invalid
I was wondering if there is a way to fix this error.
Thanks in advance.
update: it worked in jEPlus+EA! probably because it named the job folder in a different and much shorter way
@qirachel feel free to copy your comment as an answer instead of it solved your problem. That way, others will know it was a solution and can vote on it as well.