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OS default constructions instead constructions from gbXML

asked 2022-03-07 16:38:23 -0500

MaRe's avatar

updated 2022-03-07 17:10:19 -0500

Hello everyone. I am working in OpenStudio in a model which geometry I brought from Revit using gbXML. However, I don’t want to use the construction components from Revit, since I have all of them created in OS. I have created a construction set, a space, and a schedule set in OS. I placed all of them in the “facility” tab. However, if I go to the “spaces” tab, under “surfaces” or sub-surfaces” tab, I find that all the surfaces or sub-surfaces’ construction components of the spaces have the constructions brought from Revit. To change it, I deleted the current constructions from the surface, and it allows to see the default constructions in green color from the construction set. However, because there are hundreds of surfaces and sub-surfaces, this manual deleting takes time. I also place the construction set in every space in the default construction set in the “properties” tab of the “spaces” tab, but when I go again to the “surface” and “sub-surface” tab, the construction components from the gbXML are still there.
I wonder if there is a direct method to not have in account the construction components from the gbXML file or to delete them inside OS without having to do in every surface and subsurface. I would be grateful if someone could help me.

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-03-07 18:14:06 -0500

The Remove Hard Assigned Constructions was made for this purpose. This is in BCL and can be accessed through the OpenStudio application.

There is an option to preserver hard assigned constructions for adiabatic surfaces. That argument was added before there was an option in construction sets for adiabatic surfaces; so generally this should be set to false now.

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Hello David, your answer is very good. I applied the cited measuare from BCL and the model took in account OS constructions from the default construction set as I wanted. I am learning OS and everyday I discover more useful things. Thank you.

MaRe's avatar MaRe  ( 2022-03-08 07:28:49 -0500 )edit

You're welcome. I'm glad that worked. Being able to script things and share those with others is very helpful. You can do lot with even 10-20 lines of code. If you for example wanted to remove wall but not ceiling constructions, or keep constructions with a specific name, or a specific orientation, It's easy to modify the measure and add in that extra logic.

David Goldwasser's avatar David Goldwasser  ( 2022-03-08 10:02:33 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2022-03-07 16:38:23 -0500

Seen: 230 times

Last updated: Mar 08 '22