Setting up BuildStockBatch to run on windows
I'm having some issues getting BuildStockBatch up and running. I've followed the directions here to run locally though docker.
I use the command 'docker build .' within the BuildStockBatch directory and things seem to work fine until 4/6 within Dockerfile which is:
RUN sudo apt install -y -V ca-certificates lsb-release && \
wget$(lsb_release --id --short | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')/apache-arrow-archive-keyring-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb && \
sudo apt install -y -V ./apache-arrow-archive-keyring-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb && \
sudo apt update && \
sudo apt install -y -V libarrow-dev libarrow-glib-dev libarrow-dataset-dev libparquet-dev libparquet-glib-dev
I get the error
failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to build LLB: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c sudo apt install -y -V ca-certificates lsb-release && wget$(lsb_release --id --short | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')/apache-arrow-archive-keyring-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb && sudo apt install -y -V ./apache-arrow-archive-keyring-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb && sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y -V libarrow-dev libarrow-glib-dev libarrow-dataset-dev libparquet-dev libparquet-glib-dev]: runc did not terminate sucessfully
Based on some research I'm wondering if the reference to bintray is out of date. any guidance on this would be much appreciated.