Openstudio 1.3 App crash using HVAC Zone tab
My openstudio app is continously crashing if I open HVAC zone tab. I am using OS app 3.3 version. My model is a 400 zones model and I am running on 16 gb ram i7 processor. Can anyone please help me to figure out root cause of crashing.
Just to clarify, is the OpenStudio Application crashing, or is it becoming unresponsive and freezing? Does it just happen with the linked model? Can you provide some background of the source of the model, specifically was tool was used to make or last edit it.
Thank you for the reply. First it freezes for 10 sec and shutdown abruptly. I have this issue with one more model having 600 zones and it also crashes when HVAC zone tab is clicked.
The zone model was developed using Rhino Pollination from ladybug tools with assigned properties. To edit the HVAC part I wanted to use OS app as it translates its model to OS. The simulation runs without error. Do we have zone limits in OS or is it a bug!