Daylight Saving Sync Issues with Schedule:File for Demand Response Data [closed]

asked 2022-01-30 00:18:11 -0500

mechyai's avatar

updated 2022-03-15 08:56:31 -0500


I am working on a demand response project involving merging historical real-time & day-ahead ERCOT electrical pricing data with my EnergyPlus simulation, using Schedule:Files. I am using EMS Python at runtime, so times across data must be synced.

I run into issues getting the data and simulation times to align during Daylight savings (DST), from March to November.

All my historical data accounts for DST(excluding an hour of data in March, and including an extra hour in November) and I want the building schedules (occupation, HVAC operation, etc.) of my model to follow DLS. But I am really stuck on how to figure this out.

I presume that EnergyPlus is in standard time local to my weather file location ([1] can someone confirm this?), and that schedules are supposedly shifted an hour for DST, not the time itself.

From investigation, comparing my simulation runtime outputs to my historical data, I have discovered that EnergyPlus with Daylight Savings (I am using RunPeriodControl:DaylightSavingsTime object)

  • (a) In March, E+ skips 1st hour of schedule data (including my Schedule:Files), thus REMOVING 1-hr of historical schedule data from my simulation
  • (b) In November, E+ doubles the last hour of schedule data, thus ADDING 1-hr of copied data to my simulation.
  • (c) both (a) & (c) ignore the timing conventions of 2am -> 3am for Spring Forward, and 2am -> 1am for Fall Backward.
  • (d) both (a) & (c) augment my historical data, which I cannot have

[2] What can I do to sync my historical data with E+, and how can I do this without losing data?

Help with question 1 & 2 would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by shorowit
close date 2022-01-31 09:04:39.423558


shorowit's avatar shorowit  ( 2022-01-31 09:04:35 -0500 )edit