How can one model the power consumption of the heating and cooling coils in a typical HVAC system? I am not able to get the right input objects that would do this.I woud appreciate if someone can shed some light on this. Thanks as always! [closed]

asked 2021-12-22 20:03:57 -0500

Kaycee_fresh's avatar

updated 2022-02-05 15:26:18 -0500

How can one model the power consumption of the heating and cooling coils in a typical HVAC system? I am not able to get the right input objects that would do this. I would appreciate if someone can shed some light on this. Thanks as always!

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by Aaron Boranian
close date 2021-12-23 10:00:29.245603


Duplicate of this post.

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2021-12-23 10:00:41 -0500 )edit