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How to run simulation for run Weather File Run Period ONLY

asked 3 years ago

mdengusiak's avatar

updated 3 years ago

I have an OpenStudio file with weather file .epw and just want to run the simulation without any sizing based on design days. I removed the design days selected

image description

but got error
image description

see attached OSM file ...ok can not be attached :(

I can see that my eplusout.err is empty
Q1. Is it possible to run simulation without design days?
Q2. why can not see an error?

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answered 3 years ago

Does your IDF have any autosized equipment/fields? If so, you need to run sizing calculations before running an annual simulation. If all of your equipment is hardsized, you can run only the annual simulation.

The empty .err file indicates a crash, rather than just a failed simulation. Try running the IDF with EP-Launch and enable View/Options/Command Window and check Pause During Simulation, this might give you a hint into what's causing the crash.

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@ericmartinpe thanks a lot this is a good suggestion for me to better understand. I do have autosize. I thought that if I set 'off' for sizing and simulation for the sizing period it will size me based on the annual simulation. But I guess will have to fix - hardsized first to run just the annual simulation. Is that correct? I am unable to lunch via EP as I have some none convex shapes and only OpenStuio allows me to run it when using PixelCouting settings.

mdengusiak's avatar mdengusiak  ( 3 years ago )

Yes, the equipment sizing is calculated based on the design days specified in the SizingPeriod:DesignDay objects. You can extract the autosized equipment values (capacities/flow rates) from the annual simulation output files, and replace the "autosize" with the number.

I'm not sure you need to simulate with OpenStudio just because you're using PixelCounting - what happens if you simulate with EP-Launch or command line?

ericmartinpe's avatar ericmartinpe  ( 3 years ago )

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Asked: 3 years ago

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Last updated: Dec 09 '21