Basement utility crashes

asked 2021-11-17 04:53:16 -0500

updated 2021-11-17 12:36:15 -0500

Hello everyone,

I would like to use the EP-Launch basement utility but it crashes immediatly when I run it. I'm on E+ 8.9 (compatible with the DesignBuilder version I am using), and I think the IDF file contains all objects needed (including Site:GroundDomain:Basement), but the audit file indicates that no object is found :

Basement Audit File

Program Version,GroundTempCalc - Basement, Version .5

* Severe * IP: IDF line~4 Did not find "Version" in list of Objects

* Severe * IP: IDF line~6 Did not find "RunPeriod" in list of Objects

* Severe * IP: IDF line~18 Did not find "RunPeriodControl:DaylightSavingTime" in list of Objects

* Severe * IP: IDF line~22 Did not find "Site:Location" in list of Objects
... ...

Do you know how to fix this problem ? Thanks

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@Vincent TERAO is this an IDF that you exported from DesignBuilder or created yourself manually? That will affect how to add the missing objects causing the severe error messages.

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2021-11-17 09:13:50 -0500 )edit

Thanks Aaron for your answer. The IDF is exported from DesignBuilder. Can you indicate how to add objects to be read by Basement (because as mentionned they are already all present in the IDF generated by DesignBuilder) ?

Vincent TERAO's avatar Vincent TERAO  ( 2021-11-17 09:31:53 -0500 )edit