Thermal solar panel HVAC system not heating

asked 2021-11-02 08:43:42 -0500

Kmech's avatar

updated 2021-11-02 09:21:13 -0500

Hello guys. I continue working on my thesis and this time my solar thermal panel HVAC system seems to be unable to heat my single thermal zone, instead it cools it even during winter. I'm using a water heater on the demand side as a storage tank with Heater maximum capacity set at 0. This is my .osm file. Any help is more than welcome.

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Seeing that there are no comments I will clarify a bit. There are runaway temperatures in my plant loops and I don't know why, even though I followed instructions given to me to the letter. This is my .err file. If anyone would take a look and offer some advice it would be deeply appreciated.

Kmech's avatar Kmech  ( 2021-12-13 12:24:29 -0500 )edit