Temperature in zones below 0 degC

asked 2021-10-13 09:40:13 -0500

d.zendri's avatar

updated 2021-10-14 08:26:23 -0500

Hi everyone! I am designing an archive in which the temperature needs to be kept at < 0 degC (between -4 and 0) at all times. Both with simple HVAC and detailed HVAC, I am not able to reach these temperatures: using the simple HVAC the value for "minimum supply air temperature value" (HVAC tab > Cooling > Supply Air Condition) needs to be greater than 0 degC; when using the detailed HVAC, I get the following error:

* Severe * UpdateZoneSizing: Cooling supply air temperature (calculated) within 2C of zone temperature * ~~~ * ...check zone thermostat set point and design supply air temperatures * ~~~ * ...zone name = MODULE:ZONE * ~~~ * ...design sensible cooling load = 12302.91 W * ~~~ * ...thermostat set point temp = 0.000 C * ~~~ * ...zone temperature = 14.109 C * ~~~ * ...supply air temperature = 14.000 C * ~~~ * ...temperature difference = -0.10862 C * ~~~ * ...calculated volume flow rate = 37145.46208 m3/s * ~~~ * ...calculated mass flow rate = 44745.21286 kg/s

Does anyone know what to do to solve the problem? Thank you.

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@d.zendri the severe error message is from EnergyPlus, but are you using an interface (OpenStudio application, DesignBuilder, etc.) to define the model?

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2021-10-13 12:09:03 -0500 )edit

Yes I forgot to mention, I am using Design Builder

d.zendri's avatar d.zendri  ( 2021-10-14 00:26:14 -0500 )edit