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Erase space into OpenStudio

asked 2021-09-17 13:35:05 -0500

updated 2021-09-18 09:48:42 -0500

To whom it may concern,

I have started a model of an office in Openstudio. I have already run the surface matching tool. This office has 5 spaces plus a plenum. But, I noticed that I have an additional space into the OpenStudio Inspector. This space seems like a small point into the model and I cannot delete it into the OpenStudio Inspector. I have not noticed any problem or error so far into the simulation. Nevertheless, I do not want to keep going further and having issues later, because I could not erase this space during the early stages. How can I delete it? Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Kind regards,

José Luis Bermúdez Alcocer, Ph.D.

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1 Answer

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answered 2021-09-18 23:56:40 -0500

You should be able to delete spaces in the OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-in using the SketchUp outliner tool (

You can also open the model in the OpenStudio Application and delete it on the Spaces tab.

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Dear Prof. Dan Macumber,

Thank you for your suggestion! I finally applied the Sketchup outliner tool and worked smoothly.

Kind regards,

José Luis Bermúdez Alcocer, Ph.D.

José Luis Bermúdez Alcocer's avatar José Luis Bermúdez Alcocer  ( 2021-10-02 20:50:14 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2021-09-17 13:35:05 -0500

Seen: 210 times

Last updated: Sep 18 '21