Breakdown Zone Predicted Sensible Load to Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate

asked 2021-08-15 22:42:20 -0500

yan's avatar

updated 2021-08-18 13:52:54 -0500

Hi all, I am wondering if I could breakdown zone predicted sensible load to setpoint heat transfer rate in energyplus?

So far I have tried several methods:

  • Using Zone Component Load Summary. However, this will result a component breakdown on cooling/heat load, which is different from what I desired.
  • I also tried to generate more output from energyplus, they are:

(1)Output:Variable, *, Lights Convective Heating Rate, Hourly;

(2)Output:Variable, *, Other Equipment Convective Heating Rate, Hourly;

(3)Output:Variable, *, People Convective Heating Rate, Hourly;

(4)Output:Variable, *, Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate, Hourly;

(5)Output:Variable, *, Surface Window Heat Loss Rate, Hourly;

I tried to add above results together, and compare it with result from zone predicted sensible load to setpoint heat transfer rate, but the difference could be very large.

So, is there anyway I could get a breakdown of zone predicted sensible load to setpoint heat transfer rate from energyplus by adding a line of output code?

Thanks a lot !

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