Cannot open OpenStudio software
Hello. I hope you are safe and well. I have recently decided to start modeling in OpenStudio. I downloaded the latest version of the application (1.2.0) and also the latest release (3.2.1) and installed them. But when I try to open the software, this error comes up: "Measure Manager crashed, trying to restart, ....., Error: Unknown encoding name - CP720". I searched and found people having similar problems, but none of the mentioned solutions applied to my case. Can you please help me with this?
This seems like an error with the OpenStudio CLI which is part of the OpenStudio SDK. I opened this issue. In the mean time you could try changing your systems code page to UTF-8 (unicode)?
Hello, Thanks for your answer, Dan. It seemed that the problem was with the encoding. I changed the encoding to unicode as you suggested, and the problem was solved. Thanks big time!