Constant Heating and Condenser Water Flow for CentralHeatPumpSystem [closed]

asked 3 years ago

Eric's avatar

updated 3 years ago


I modeled heat recovery chillers with CentralHeatPumpSystem and ChillerHeaterPerformance:Electric:EIR objects for space heating. I exported the hourly heating and condenser water flow rates and found they are constant for the whole year even there is no cooling demand in the chilled water loop. I used EMs to shut down the condenser water flow when there is no chiller water. However, the hot waterflow rate is constant from heat recovery chillers. Is there any way I can shut down the hot water from heat recovery chiller when there are no cooling demand and heat recovery?


Eric Wang

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by Aaron Boranian
close date 2021-07-26 18:26:01.983474


Duplicate of this post.

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 3 years ago )