I am trying to write a simple ruby script but I keep getting the following error: Undefined local variable for main: Object (NameError)
I am trying to write a simple ruby script but I keep getting the following error: Undefined local variable for main: Object (NameError)
new_lightshelf =subsurfaces[11].addDaylightingDeviceShelf()
#{d3e8c95e-9f08-4a5-8acf4-c2b79d7df8c4}, !- Handle
#Daylighting Device Shelf 1, !- Name
#{72f98f0b-6b8a-4ba6-920d-83994f4287e7}; !- Window Name
#Daylighting Device Shelf 1
@Fatima1991 this seems to be the same as this question. I will close the other question, please make just one post for a question in the future.
The code in your example is a little confusing and it is unclear what line the error is on. Related ot the first line do you have opaque subsurfaces or skylights that would not return a lightshelf. See documentation here. You should check if it is empty and then only use .get if it isn't empty.