Modify the DX Cooling Coil for huge ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled

asked 2021-05-05 01:56:51 -0500

christon's avatar

I'm modelling the server rack room of data center, using the ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled for rack simulation.

I use the model 2ZoneDataCenterHVAC_wEconomizer.idf of EnergyPlus and change the value from 200 to 1000 Watts/m2 in Field Watts per Zone Floor Area of ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled.

I used Output:Diagnostics, DisplayAllWarnings and Output:Diagnostics, DisplayExtraWarnings and received the severe errors below:

** Severe  ** Temperature (high) out of bounds (210.55] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:ROOF001W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
**   ~~~   ** Zone="WEST ZONE", Diagnostic Details:
**   ~~~   ** ...Internal Heat Gain [1001.699] W/m2
**   ~~~   ** ...Infiltration/Ventilation [0.000] m3/s
**   ~~~   ** ...Mixing/Cross Mixing [0.000] m3/s
**   ~~~   ** ...Zone is part of HVAC controlled system.
** Severe  ** Temperature (high) out of bounds (230.00] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:FLR001W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
** Severe  ** Temperature (low) out of bounds [-135.02] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:ROOF001W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
** Severe  ** Temperature (high) out of bounds (202.37] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:WALL001W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
** Severe  ** Temperature (high) out of bounds (202.37] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:WALL003W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
** Severe  ** Temperature (high) out of bounds (218.11] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:WALL002W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
** Severe  ** Temperature (high) out of bounds (218.11] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:WALL004W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
** Severe  ** Temperature (low) out of bounds [-109.21] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:FLR001W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
** Severe  ** Temperature (low) out of bounds [-1339.92] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:WALL001W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
** Severe  ** Temperature (low) out of bounds [-2153.29] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:WALL002W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
** Severe  ** Temperature (low) out of bounds [-1339.91] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:WALL003W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
** Severe  ** Temperature (low) out of bounds [-2153.29] for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:WALL004W"
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
** Severe  ** CalcHeatBalanceInsideSurf: The temperature of 28095.56 C for zone="WEST ZONE", for surface="ZN001:WALL001W"
**   ~~~   ** very far out of bounds during warmup. This may be an indication of a malformed zone.
**   ~~~   **  During Warmup, Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/01 02:45 - 02:46
**  Fatal  ** Program terminates due to preceding condition.
************* ===== Final Error Summary =====
************* The following ...
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