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Is it possible to edit and/or run a *.bdl file?

asked 2021-04-27 11:38:47 -0500

lshaver's avatar

I have an older project for which I can only find *.bdl and *.sim files -- no *.inp file, and no *.pd2 file. Is it possible to load these files into eQuest, or run them on their own through the DOE2 command line utility?

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answered 2021-04-27 15:30:04 -0500

updated 2021-05-01 10:54:10 -0500

Yes and no. No, because eQUEST will only let you load INP of PD2 files. Yes, because you should be able to convert your BDL file to an INP file by removing all non-valid INP fields (and changing the extension from .BDL to .inp). For example:

 * 586 *  
 * 587 * "South Win (G.S1.E1.W2)" = WINDOW
 * 588 *    GLASS-TYPE       = "Window Type #2 GT"
 * 589 *    X                = 60.7483
 * 590 *    Y                = 3.10833
 * 591 *    HEIGHT           = 5.00333
 * 592 *    WIDTH            = 46.4456
 * 593 *    FRAME-WIDTH      = 0.108333
 * 594 *    FRAME-CONDUCT    = 2.781
 * 595 *    ..

Should be changed to

"South Win (G.S1.E1.W2)" = WINDOW
GLASS-TYPE       = "Window Type #2 GT"
X                = 60.7483
Y                = 3.10833
HEIGHT           = 5.00333
WIDTH            = 46.4456
FRAME-WIDTH      = 0.108333
FRAME-CONDUCT    = 2.781

Tedious manually, much easier with a script or using regular expressions.

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I have a script like that. Note that if your INP file uses macros, you should include the ##show or ##write macro listing control command to expand those macros clearly in the BDL output. See question 37819

simular's avatar simular  ( 2021-06-07 15:28:37 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2021-04-27 11:38:47 -0500

Seen: 435 times

Last updated: May 01 '21