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Setting annual ground temp in PAT project

asked 3 years ago

sashadf1's avatar


I am using OpenStudio v2.9.0, EnergyPlus v9.2, and ResStock v2.2.4.

I would like to override the default E+ ground temp of 18 deg C and set the ground temp equal to the indoor setpoint of 70 deg F.

Is there a OpenStudio or EnergyPlus measure I can add to my PAT workflow to do this? I am not able to edit the IDF file directly, since it is automatically generated through OS-PAT.

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I used the following measure: code posted by to set the ground temperature to a user specified value. I confirmed in my timeseries output data that the value was indeed what I had specified.

sashadf1's avatar sashadf1  ( 3 years ago )

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answered 3 years ago

sashadf1's avatar

updated 3 years ago

I used the following measure: code posted by to set the ground temperature to a user specified value. I confirmed in my timeseries output data that the value was indeed what I had specified.

However, my goal of changing ground heat transfer into the building by inputting a user specified Site Ground Temperature did not work. This is because my models are using Foundation Kiva to model ground heat transfer, instead of some other algorithms available.

Foundation Kiva calculated heat flow into the floor/wall (surfaces with "Foundation" Boundary Condition) is not impacted by Site Ground Temperature.

If my floor/wall surfaces had "Ground" Boundary condition instead of "Foundation" Boundary Condition, perhaps changing the Site Ground Temperature would impact heat flow.

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I saw the code you quoted, but I cannot find a tutorial about how to use it? Do I need to ceate *.rb & *.xml file to use it? Thanks.

Janko's avatar Janko  ( 2 years ago )

In general to implement OS measures, you need a .rb and .xml. The XML contains metadata while the Ruby file contains the actual measure code. You need both for the measure to run. I think the other files in a measure "package" are optional, but don't quote me on that.

I suggest referring to this guide for how to write and implement measures.

sashadf1's avatar sashadf1  ( 2 years ago )

Thank you so much sashadf1!

Janko's avatar Janko  ( 2 years ago )

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Asked: 3 years ago

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Last updated: Apr 14 '21