Daily Heating Load Peaks at 6AM, 10AM, 5PM?
Doing a comparison study of different heating methods at various locations and all of my results have average daily heating load peaks at 6AM, 10AM, and 5PM.
It should also be mentioned that my data are translated half an hour prior, as DView exports on every half hour. Therefore, in DView, these results would be at 630AM, 1030AM, and 530PM.
The attached image is averaged daily loads over an entire year. Is there documentation that I can reference as to why this is? Any suggestions as to why BEopt produces this result would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: Also attached is Table 15 from the Building America House Simulation Protocols, which displays ventilation events that have been suggested as the causes for these peaks. Unfortunately, these times do not correspond with the peaks that occur from averaging each hour of the DView's Mains Heating Load (as seen in the first image).