What does "malformed zone" mean?
I have re-created this (and two other spaces) several times. After I get one space re-created, this error pops up on another space. The error is now occuring AGAIN on the first space I re-created. It seems I am going in circles. Can anyone tell me what this means and/or how to solve it?
* Severe * CalcHeatBalanceInsideSurf: The temperature of -388775.59 C for zone="THERMAL ZONE: ATTIC-MECH-NORTH", for surface="SURFACE 3" * ~~~ * ..is very far out of bounds during warmup. This may be an indication of a malformed zone.
I can't tell from the screenshot. Is the surface selected in SketchUp (the large trapezoid) actually "SURFACE 3" or is surface three possibly a small sliver with minimal area?
Thanks for looking at this. Yes, the arrow is pointing to the large trapezoid. My geometry is very basic. Each space is four walls with roof and ceiling. I had this set up with ideal air loads, but no cooling thermostat schedule since there is no cooling on this building. Ultimately, I decided to add a cooling thermostat schedule and the problem went away. At any rate, -388775°C is an unrealistic number. I suspect there is something wrong with the program or the error code should be more descriptive.