Does anyone know how to model the following heating system?

asked 2021-03-12 02:14:50 -0500

Wolfgang Kaiser's avatar

updated 2021-04-07 13:07:58 -0500

Hello all, does anyone know how to get this done in E+?

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@Wolfgang Kaiser are the hydronic floors at the top of the diagram supposed to provide both heating and cooling?

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 2021-03-12 09:18:37 -0500 )edit

@Aaron Boranian, yes they are supposed to provide both.

Wolfgang Kaiser's avatar Wolfgang Kaiser  ( 2021-03-14 03:43:15 -0500 )edit

@Aaron Boranian, I really appreciate it if you teach me on how to do it once only for heating and once for both heating and cooling. Thanks.

Wolfgang Kaiser's avatar Wolfgang Kaiser  ( 2021-03-14 03:47:14 -0500 )edit