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AED (Adequate Exposure Diversity)

asked 2021-02-22 13:36:41 -0600

amitche8's avatar

updated 2021-04-05 09:50:14 -0600

We are looking at simulating a small house and are trying to determine if it meets adequate exposure diversity (AED) per Manual J, which is defined as:

A system has adequate exposure diversity if the peak-hour glass load for the entire conditioned space does not exceed the average glass load for the entire conditioned space by more than 30 percent.

So I have run the simulation in BEopt and have added the following variables in Energyplus, now with the hourly glass load, any advice on trying to process this?

    living_1,                 !- Key Value
    Zone Windows Total Heat Gain Energy,    !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency

    living_1,                 !- Key Value
    Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Energy,    !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency

    living_1,                 !- Key Value
    Zone Windows Total Heat Loss Energy,    !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                   !- Reporting Frequency
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answered 2021-02-22 19:32:28 -0600

updated 2021-02-22 19:32:56 -0600

EnergyPlus can generate these hourly output variables, but it won't tell you specifics like peak-hour values. Sounds like you need to set up a script using Python, Ruby, or something similar to do multiple steps:

  1. Read the hourly output variables that you're generating in the output CSV file created by EnergyPlus
  2. Find the peak-hour glass load (peak-hour for the whole year, each day, or something else?)
  3. Calculate the average glass load (average load for the whole year, each day, or something else?)
  4. Calculate the AED (is peak-hour glass load > (average glass load x 1.3) ?)
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Asked: 2021-02-22 13:36:41 -0600

Seen: 638 times

Last updated: Feb 23 '21