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ASHRAE 90.1-2016 automatic baseline creation in OpenStudio

asked 4 years ago

Phan Truong's avatar

updated 3 years ago

Hello, I posted a comment here since this question was somewhat related to mine but thought starting a new post may help in getting a response.

Does the 90.1-2016 baseline exactly follow the 90.1-2004 baseline? i.e. would following the suggestion from this post using the "Create Baseline Building" measure provide me with the 90.1-2016 baseline that can be used for LEED v4.1? Various sources refer to the 2016 baseline as "roughly equal" to the 2004 baseline, so wasn't sure if there was other modifications required to the 2004 baseline to get to the 2016 baseline. Thanks!

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answered 4 years ago

Doug Maddox's avatar

The 2016 Appendix G baseline does follow the 2004 90.1 requirements pretty closely, so that approach is generally appropriate. The existing Create Baseline Building does have some limitations, however. It is based on the DOE prototypes, and does not map the lighting requirements directly to the Appendix G requirements. If the space types in your model match those in the DOE prototypes, that will not be an issue. The measure also does not address several aspects of the 2016 Appendix G, including the latest window area requirements, special rules for laboratories and computer rooms, and the rotation through four orientations. The measure also does not create a proposed model, which might have some differences from the user model. An updated version of the Create Baseline Building measure for 90.1-2019 that will address these issues is under development.

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Hi Doug, thanks for your response. We gave the measure a try, and it looks like there are some issues with assigning the correct system type. 90.1-2004 system type has slightly different building area requirements than 90.1-2016. Additionally, 90.1-2004 system type is based on heating source, while 90.1-2016 is based on climate zone.

Any idea when the new measure for 90.1-2016 will be available?

Phan Truong's avatar Phan Truong  ( 4 years ago )

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Asked: 4 years ago

Seen: 496 times

Last updated: Feb 02 '21