I will "translate" the important warning messages that appear to be causing the simulation to stop.
** Warning ** GetVRFInput: AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow="VRF HEAT PUMP - BUILDING STORY 1", invalid
** ~~~ ** ...Cooling Energy Input Ratio Modifier Function of Low Part-Load Ratio Curve Name = AIR CONDITIONER VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW 1 COOLINGEIRLOWPLR has out of range value.
A VRF system with a VRF heat pump named VRF HEAT PUMP - BUILDING STORY 1 has an invalid performance curve named AIR CONDITIONER VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW 1 COOLINGEIRLOWPLR. This performance curve is applied to the Cooling Energy Input Ratio Modifier Function of Low Part-Load Ratio Curve Name input field for the VRF heat pump and its value is out of range.
** ~~~ ** ...Curve minimum value of X = 0.500 must be <= Minimum Heat Pump Part-Load Ratio = 0.250.
The performance curve named AIR CONDITIONER VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW 1 COOLINGEIRLOWPLR has a minimum value of the X independent variable (cooling part-load ratio, in this case) set to 0.5, yet the Minimum Heat Pump Part-Load Ratio input field for the VRF heat pump is set to 0.25.
This same issue is seen as similar groups of warning lines in your error file for the Heating Energy Input Ratio Modifier Function of Low Part-Load Ratio Curve Name input field assigned to the performance curve named AIR CONDITIONER VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW 1 HEATINGEIRLOWPLR. These heating and cooling performance curve issues are repeated for another VRF heat pump in the model, VRF HEAT PUMP - BUILDING STORY 2.
If you can reduce the minimum X of the performance curves to 0.25, that should get rid of these VRF warnings and allow the simulation to finish (unless new warnings or severe errors occur after this fix).
@yashar could you include the severe error line from the EnergyPlus error file created by OpenStudio? You should find it in the run folder within the folder that has the same name as your OSM (OpenStudio model file). That will give more information about why the VRF with DOAS Measure isn't working correctly.
Hi Aaron,
Thank you very much for your response. Unfortunately, It seems it is not possible to attach a file, but in the error file number of severe error is zero. It is the part of the error file:
program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.3.0-baff08990c, YMD=2021.01.12 11:41, * Warning * Sizing:System="DOAS - BUILDING STORY 1", invalid combination of inputs. * ~~~ * Type of Load to Size On = VENTILATIONREQUIREMENT and System Outdoor Air Method = VENTILATIONRATEPROCEDURE.
* Fatal * GetVRFInput: Errors found in getting AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow system input. Prec
CONDITIONER VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW 1 HEATINGEIRLOWPLR 1 has out of range value. * ~~~ * ...Curve minimum value of X = 0.500 must be <= Minimum Heat Pump Part-Load Ratio = 0.250. * Fatal * GetVRFInput: Errors found in getting AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow system input. Preceding condition(s) causes termination. ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=0 ..... Last severe error= *** Warning: Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning).
@yashar thanks. Could you actually provide a link to the full text of the error file via Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.? Or update your post to show the full text instead of just the fatal error line? That would be easier to see all the model's issues. I can see two here, but there may be more.
@aaron, appreciate for your time and help. You can find the error file here link text.