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error running simulation

asked 2020-12-28 17:53:55 -0500

Mustafatask's avatar

updated 2021-04-06 15:38:07 -0500


I am trying to get familiar with Openstudio. My supervisor sent a geometry to me (it can be seen only in 3d view, can not be edited) and I tried to run this project for EnergyPlus, (energy modeling) with some default values and ideal air loads but I did not get successful simulation results. It always failed. I don't know it has an easy solution or not because, as I said before, I don't have any experience in this program before. Thanks in advance. This is the full text of the error:

[23:28:51.948620 ERROR] undefined method `getString' for nil:NilClass
C:/Users/taskiran/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1609194148-0/resources/measures/AddOutputDiagnostics/measure.rb:132:in `run'
:/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:512:in `apply_measure'
:/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:109:in `block in apply_measures'
:/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:67:in `each_index'
:/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:67:in `apply_measures'
:/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/jobs/run_ep_measures.rb:59:in `perform'
:/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/run.rb:292:in `step'
:/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/run.rb:234:in `run'
:/openstudio_cli.rb:973:in `execute'
:/openstudio_cli.rb:763:in `execute'
:/openstudio_cli.rb:1757:in `<main>'
eval:149:in `eval'
eval:149:in `require_embedded_absolute'
eval:123:in `block in require'
eval:117:in `each'
eval:117:in `require'
eval:3:in `<main>'
[23:28:51.962613 ERROR] :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb failed with message Runner error :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb failed with undefined method `getString' for nil:NilClass, C:/Users/taskiran/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1609194148-0/resources/measures/AddOutputDiagnostics/measure.rb:132:in `run'
  :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:512:in `apply_measure'
  :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:109:in `block in apply_measures'
  :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:67:in `each_index'
  :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/util/measure.rb:67:in `apply_measures'
  :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/jobs/run_ep_measures.rb:59:in `perform'
  :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/run.rb:292:in `step'
  :/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openstudio-workflow-2.0.0/lib/openstudio/workflow/run.rb:234:in `run'
  :/openstudio_cli.rb:973:in `execute'
  :/openstudio_cli.rb:763:in `execute'
  :/openstudio_cli.rb:1757:in `<main>'
  eval:149:in `eval'
  eval:149:in `require_embedded_absolute'
  eval:123:in `block in require'
  eval:117:in `each'
  eval:117:in `require'
  eval:3 ...
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1 Answer

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answered 2020-12-29 10:04:28 -0500

The first two lines indicate that you are applying the AddOutputDiagnostics measure (EnergyPlus measure category) when you simulate, and that it's expecting a string or text input but received something else like a number or blank input.

[23:28:51.948620 ERROR] undefined method getString for nil:NilClass C:/Users/taskiran/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-1609194148-0/resources/measures/AddOutputDiagnostics/measure.rb:132:in `run'

This is strange because the measure that you can download from the Building Component Library (BCL) using the link above is set up to have the user select one input from a drop-down window, preventing errors like this (see below).

image description

A few items could be causing your issue:

  • You don't have the Add Output Diagnostics measure installed (you won't find it in the Library panel on the right while viewing the Measures tab from my screenshot)
  • You may have a customized version of this Add Output Diagnostics measure installed with code bugs (it is in the Library panel on the right, but with a My next to its name instead of a BCL next to its name)
  • You have specified a diagnostic option to report that doesn't apply to the model
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Asked: 2020-12-28 17:53:55 -0500

Seen: 292 times

Last updated: Dec 29 '20