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Should I consider the heading of ‘Source Energy’ or ‘Site Energy’ and what sub-heading should I consider for the ‘hourly heating’ and ‘hourly cooling’ loads calculation?

asked 4 years ago

aalhaq's avatar

updated 4 years ago

I have designed a residential house in the BEopt software and would like to extract the hourly heating and hourly cooling loads from it. Should I consider the heading of ‘Source Energy’ or ‘Site Energy’ and what sub-heading should I consider for the ‘hourly heating’ and ‘hourly cooling’ loads calculation?

I need to use the hourly heating and hourly cooling loads number as input for the GLD software to design a geothermal loop...Please advise.

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answered 3 years ago

Oz's avatar

It is supposed to be site energy as far as I can comment. With source energy, it refers to primary source of energy.

Example (every word is assumption): You need 9kWh of heat energy at site. You use %90 efficient electric heater, so it receives 10kWh from the grid. Adding grid transmission & distribution losses, you demand 10.1 kWh from a power plant. That power plant is natural gas power plant, it uses 30kWh equivalent of natural gas to supply your demand. So in this example, site thermal energy is 9kWh whereas source energy is 30kWh.

Please be aware that I'm not %100 sure; but even if it's not fully correct, it's definitely something similar to my explanation.

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Asked: 4 years ago

Seen: 190 times

Last updated: Dec 21 '20