setting the E+ simulation time
hI,I want to know how to set the simulation time. I want to simulation in weekday.I need to delet the weekend.To use the RunPeriod object can work out it problem?
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hI,I want to know how to set the simulation time. I want to simulation in weekday.I need to delet the weekend.To use the RunPeriod object can work out it problem?
Can you be more clear please:
Do you want to run a full year simulation with only weekdays? It is not possible. At the most you can treat all days in schedules as they are WeekDays,
You can run 5 days simulation period specifying in RunPeriod
as Day of Week for Start Day
(and at the very most, you can create 52 RunPeriod objects and then sum up the results, but this is quite insane on my perspective)
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Asked: 2020-11-19 18:47:36 -0600
Seen: 148 times
Last updated: Nov 20 '20