Model fails when trying to add interior Blinds

asked 2020-08-11 13:20:49 -0500

Tomsee96's avatar

updated 2020-08-11 15:24:31 -0500

Help, very new to OpenStudio, using it for a university project. I have tried to add interior blinds and set the shading control type to "OnNightIfLowOutdoorTempAndOffDay' but the model fails when i try and run it, i have tried to instead create a time based schedule for when they will be used and not but i am either selecting the wrong schedule type or something else as when i try and 'drop' the schedule set into the tab it wont 'accept' it. Can anyone offer some advice ether in solving the errors (attached examples) or in what schedule type and corrosponding shading control type to use?? TIA

EnergyPlus error file(/upfiles/15971697669287616.jpg)

** Warning ** ProcessScheduleInput: DecodeHHMMField, Invalid "until" field value is not a multiple of the minutes for each timestep: 07:15
**   ~~~   ** Other errors may result. Occurred in Day Schedule=SCHEDULE DAY 187
** Severe  ** WindowShadingControl="SHADING CONTROL 2" has INTERIORBLIND= InteriorBlind or ExteriorBlind but matching shading device is not a window blind
**   ~~~   ** Glare Control Is Active in error="SHADE GREY LOW ENERGY".
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Have you seen this video?:

Ski90Moo's avatar Ski90Moo  ( 2020-08-17 09:25:11 -0500 )edit