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IDF edited file not valid to draft strictness

asked 4 years ago

CullerWhale's avatar

updated 4 years ago

I attempted to edit the IDF file by editing the ShadowCalculation object accordingly:

  PixelCounting, !- Shading Calculation Method
  Periodic, !- Shading Calculation Update Frequency Method
  20, !- Shading Calculation Update Frequency
  15000, !- Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations
  SutherlandHodgman, !- Polygon Clipping Algorithm
  512; !- Pixel Counting Resolution

However, when I save the IDF file and try to import it into OpenStudio, I receive the following error:

"File is not valid to draft strictness. Check that IDF is of correct version and that all fields are valid against Energy+.idd.

The collection is INVALID at strictness level 'Draft', because of the errors:
Field level data error of type DataType .
Error is in an object of type 'ShadowCalculation', named '', in field 0.
Additional information about the error type: field-level data is of an incorrect type.
Field level data error of type NumericBound .
Error is in an object of type 'ShadowCalculation', named '', in field 2.
Additional information about the error type: numeric data violates a min or max bound."

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you, Cullen

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@CullerWhale what version of EnergyPlus is used in the IDF? What version of OpenStudio are you using to import the IDF?

Aaron Boranian's avatar Aaron Boranian  ( 4 years ago )

I am using OpenStudio version 2.9.1, Sketchup Make 2017, and Energy Plus 9.2.0 which was packaged with Openstudio when I downloaded them together.

CullerWhale's avatar CullerWhale  ( 4 years ago )

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answered 4 years ago

updated 4 years ago

The PixelCounting shadow calculation using the GPU was added in EnergyPlus 9.3. It is not available in EnergyPlus 9.2.

EDIT: So to take advantage of this new capability, you will have to use the OpenStudio application v1.0.0, which corresponds to EnergyPlus v9.3.

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Asked: 4 years ago

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Last updated: Aug 11 '20