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Substantial degenerate convex surfaces, how does one use ShadowCalculation, PixelCounting method?

asked 4 years ago

CullerWhale's avatar

updated 4 years ago

I am having a terrible time trying to address degenerate convex surfaces in my EnergyPlus model.

I was able to isolate and delete some surfaces but Surface 75 (attached) is significant.

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I have been told by support that I can use something called ShadowCalculation, the PixelCounting method. However, I cannot find any resources online.

Do you know how to use ShadowCalculation's PixelCounting method? Or do you know of a way that I can prevent degenerate convex surfaces from happening to begin with?

Thank you, Cullen

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answered 4 years ago

PixelCounting is a new shadow calculation algorithm as of EnergyPlus v9.3.0. You can find documentation on this feature in the I/O Reference and the Engineering Reference.

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Thank you, this is insightful but I do not know how to implement it still. Do I incorporate this by adding "ShadowCalculation, PixelCounting, Periodic, 1;" anywhere into the IDF file?

Also, is there a way to avoid degenerate surfaces when I model?

CullerWhale's avatar CullerWhale  ( 4 years ago )

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Asked: 4 years ago

Seen: 162 times

Last updated: Jul 28 '20