Changing anti-cycling period
Hello everyone, Hope you are all in good health and high spirit.
I'm trying to understand why my single speed dx-coil action is delayed at higher cycling frequencies. It seems that the coil is having an anti-cycling period of about 3.5 minutes from the results I've tested. But I can't find that in the manual to confirm. Where can I find this in energyplus documentation ? and is there a way I can change this value ?
Thanks and stay safe !
What "order" did you give?
turn on cooling coil
Well, of course, but how did you command the coil to turn on? EMS? External Interface?, etc.
External interface, so give order on = (availability = 1 and SP is lower the current temperature at a desired value), are there built-in anti-cycling periods in energyplus ?
Perfect. This gives other viewers some perspective on your method. Unfortunately I am not a user of external interfaces. I do know the coil models pretty well. Could you provide a more macro level plot of temp vs time when using a "detailed" reporting frequency so that we can see the response in real (simulated) time? Maybe that won't help but I don't know until I see it.