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Question concerning Table LookUp in EnergyPlus

asked 4 years ago

sergerwehbe's avatar

updated 1 year ago

Hi All,

I have create a Lookup Table with an external CSV file and I defined my IndependentVariable and everything was done correctly.

My question is: how to define my independent variable to be the outdoor Air or diffused radiation or (Any EnergyPlus Output value)..

Please here is an example to be more clear:

Outdoor Air (IndependentVariable): -1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30

Output Value: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600

So if the Ambient Temp is 10 ( For exmp) , I have 400 as output.

How to Link the Outdoor Air (IndependentVariable) to the Outdoor Air Dry Bulb Temperature from my Weather File?

Thank You

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answered 4 years ago

updated 4 years ago

The performance curves and tables are used in models to evaluate the changes you describe. If a model does not use a curve or table then one that you create will not be able to be used in that model. To answer your question, once a curve or table is created then evaluation of that curve or table is performed by passing the variable to the curve:

CurveValue(TableIndex, OutdoorTemperature); // where TableIndex is an integer pointing to your table

and then that result is used in some subsequent calculation within the model.

Some models allow an EMS program to adjust performance using:

@CurveValue(TableIndex, OutdoorTemperature), // see EMSApplicationGuide

for those models that allow EMS to intercept. To find the index to a curve or table in your EMS model use the CurveOrTableIndexVariable object.

EnergyManagementSystem:CurveOrTableIndexVariable, MyEMSCurveName, ActualCurveorTableName;

For example your EMS program could be used to overwrite an existing curve or table object, or to use curves or tables to do calculations not found in current models and then use that information to adjust model performance (using EMSof course).

See InputOutputReference and EMSApplicationGuide docs.

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Done, Thank you

sergerwehbe's avatar sergerwehbe  ( 4 years ago )

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Asked: 4 years ago

Seen: 174 times

Last updated: Jun 16 '20